If you would like to make a membership or other donation, please use our new
Membership & Donations link (Square Payments).
If you would like to purchase a FrOGS t-shirt as part of a donation, please visit our Square site here.
Other options are available below.
You can donate to Friends of the Great Swamp using your PayPal account. PayPal also makes it easy to donate using a major credit card when you don’t have a PayPal account. Just click on the PayPal icon and you’ll be directed to PayPal’s site. If you have a PayPal account, the site will direct you through the donation process.

The igive program is a way for online stores to donate toward their customers’ local causes, at no cost to the customer. There are 1700+ stores that will donate a percentage of the sales to your chosen charity. The percentage varies across retailers, but it is at no cost to you. To give to Friends of the Great Swamp, you would select us as your chosen charity.

The Goodshop program helps customers automatically deduct a small donation amount during every shopping transaction. Visit the Goodshop page of Friends of the Great Swamp to sign up. Your online transactions with participating online retailers will contain a percentage that is donated to us. You decide what percent to donate and it will be automatically deducted.